Geneva Countryside Bro Hardcourt Tournament
Geneva, GV
Aug 7/ 9
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Current Roster
Wegadrive (Tomas, Q GVA, William PAR)
TémoilesNICHONS (Quentin, Gatien ANN, Valentin LYN)
The Birds (xMorgainx LYN, Dodi, Phil MUC)
Les Bidons veulent le Guidon (Cathal MTP, Silvio, Félix TOU)
Rainbowwwww (Daniel BAS, Alex TOU, Punch VI)
Dionysos (Romain, Benjamin, Julien T MTP)
Super Mario Bro (Mario, Jojo GVA, Martin LYN)
Cocolover (Bozo MIL, Théo, Quentin NAN)
Peinture (Attila, Elena GVA, Thomas PAR)
Système D (Michel CH, Nathalie GVA, Dorian PAR)
Mercenaire boyz club <3 (Patou, David GVA, Dewad LYN)
Jeanne Au Ski (Jojo ANN, alexandre PAR, Guillaume STB)