II. Zagreb international
Zagreb, HR
May 17/18
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Current Roster
Goodin! (Matija, Ivan, Karlo ZAG)
Tigers (Cento PD, Tobia, Mattia VI)
Sweet Smile (Caspar, Zsófia BRS, Dodi MUC)
PAS (Kaller, Bencu, Balazs BUD)
PB Polo Bears (Jure, Andrej, Jernej LJB)
Poloroid (Johannes SAL, Gert, Mateen VIE)
Qubic (Miguel, Marcus, Mubeen VIE)
8AM (Krisztian BUD, Peter, Andras SZG)
Westcoast (Flo, Conny VIE)
Licitar (Jimmy PRA, Matej, Goran ZAG)
The Bisons (Luca BUD, David GVA, Dodi MUC)
One Got Fat (Django, Marco, Prolo GRA)
Kristalis! (Eliška, Martin, Jenda PRD)
Vanguard (Johannes SAL, Fabian, Win VIE)
The Kakao Sentence (Dany BRN, Adi KRK, Jiri PRA)
Ride That Pony (Rocco ITA, Mazzetta, Gatto TOR)
Polo GTI (Nejc, Marko, Jaka LJB)