Dames 3 FUN$RAIZER!!
Seattle, WA
Mar 17/17
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Current Roster
team teaching shot gun disputes to the kids (Fred, Nikki, Heather SEA)
Hug assassins (Blu BLI, Sarah, JLo PDX)
Hey! (Jackie PDX, Smarsh SEA, Shannon VAN)
Bulletproof Spaceship (Aaron, Thatblackarmdguy PDX, Carol SEA)
Well. Shit. (Mark, Ben, Nicky VAN)
Happy face frowney face shrug emoticon and high fives all around (Maxxx, scooter, kate SEA)
Korn sympathizers (Joe, Jesse, jacob SEA)
The fun raisers (jake, Tex, elliot SEA)
fat tony and the boys (Julian, tony, Snake SEA)
Wood (Hams, Kristin, Koyo SEA)
Apuaducks (Katy GNV, JLo PDX, Redbeard SEA)