FHBPC2016 - Phase finale
Bordeaux, FR
Jul 8/10
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Current Roster
Birds (Guillaume BDX, xMorgainx LYN, Alex PAR)
Call me daddy (Luca CBG, William, Polo PAR)
Impossiboys (Bernard, Louis BDX, Rob NYC)
Albatar (Cathal MTP, Silvio, Le Rem's TOU)
Les valsche (Gregory CAR, Baptiste, Kostia PRP)
Big mouth (Clement GVA, Martin LYN, Mehdi PRP)
Temoilesnichons (Quentin ANN, Robert HAM, Valentin LYN)
Poulidor (tristewn, Henri PRP, Alex TOU)
Rasta Rocket (air thouin, Benjamin, Julien T MTP)
Caviar facile (Pidoux, Antonin ANG, Thomas PAR)
Personne (Mathieu, Loic, Laurent MTP)
One shot (Pablo, Tom NCY, Guillaume STB)