Wasatch Open 2
Salt Lake City, UT
Apr 7/ 8
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Current Roster
86ers (on 26ers) (Cody CHA, Ricky, Regina SLC)
Tacodaddy and the Honey Drops (Gabe, El taco loco , Maya SLC)
French Fried Bell Peppers (donnie LA, Samalama OAK, dove SLC)
Ice Cream Dream Team Part DΓΌ (Cara MEM, Giblet$, OG SLC)
Nico Manaj (Mr.CSB, nico_thekid, Megan SLC)
The Belchers (Eric, davey jones locker OAK, Pearyn SLC)
Sux Surgeon Suquarium (Jessica GNV, Anthony, Carmimos SLC)
Swamp Goth (Drew DEN, KG MOLO, Tina SLC)
Three Poloteers (Tate, Danny, Rebecca SLC)
Cardi Beez (Bobby LA, Leah PGH, Tscharli SLC)
Tim is Sorry (&$@#*%Β₯Β£<>%, tim SLC)
πππ (clamchowda BOS, Jillian CRZ, Badnews SEA)
Pug Assassins (Stuart AVL, Blu BLI, Sarah PDX)
Mile High Hellions (todd, Ann, Russ DEN)
Polo Royalty (Dev Pedacito GDL, Golden Arm, Mikey LAS)
P N I F E Z (Yeizo DC, Peter MPLS, Rachel SEA)
#sumohatesyou (Joe FAT, Robin, Eva LA)
Mucho Take It Easy (Diego HOU, Krista LA, David SAT)
Bad Dad Jokes (Tyler, Cardboard OAK, Jenny SF)
Honey Badgers (Jo gonz, Bernauer ABQ, Brandon DEN)
lifted low life (Ryan, Jace BOS, Yve NYC)
Sumo's #1 Fan (Creamy, ryan SF)
Run Around Sue (Branden ANC, Michelle HOU, J-Lo PDX)
Misterwives (Victor FAT, Alen SF, Jinxy WTF)
Awaiting Confirmation
Instant Mixxx (Joe FAT)
ThirstyCamels (Bryan DEN)
Junkie Pedals (clamchowda BOS, Tea FAT, Olivia PDX)